The ESD database is free to use only for research purpose. The whole database can be downloaded here.
Publications with ESD database
Limited Data Emotional Voice Conversion Leveraging Text-to-Speech: Two-stage Sequence-to-Sequence Training [paper] Kun Zhou, Berrak Sisman, Haizhou Li. (Submitted to Interspeech 2021)
Seen and Unseen emotional style transfer for voice conversion with a new emotional speech dataset [paper] Kun Zhou, Berrak Sisman, Rui Liu, Haizhou Li. (IEEE ICASSP 2021, Toronto, Canada)
Reinforcement Learning for Emotional Text-to-Speech Synthesis with Improved Emotion Discriminability [paper] Rui Liu, Berrak Sisman, Haizhou Li. (Submitted to Interspeech 2021)
Please cite the following paper if you use this database:
Kun Zhou, Berrak Sisman, Rui Liu and Haizhou Li, "Seen and unseen emotional style transfer for voice conversion with a new emotional speech dataset" ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)